The SMB oversees our many ministries and funds small grants to congregations up to $1000.
ASEC governs and guides Albany Synod in between stated sessions.
The Albany School of Ministry provides educational courses for Preaching Elders- and Commissioned Pastors-in-Training.
The R&R program provides support, pulpit supply and assessment relief to our smallest congregations.
The Albany Synod Mediation Team is a resource to congregations and classes. We facilitate difficult conversations and assist with resolving conflict, and offer other helpful skills trainings.
PRC is one of our partners in ministry that provides a wide variety of resources to the churches of Albany Synod (including Sexual Harrassment Prevention Training).
CLC is a learning community of churches and their leaders, who are committed to learning and practicing the way of Jesus.
Faithwalking is a spiritual formation process where people are increasingly following the way of Jesus, experiencing ongoing transformation, and developing effective practices for missional living. Open to ALL.